Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Different Pitch

If I could just go back and do that over again. How many times have you said or thought this?

Think about the possibilities of a do over, the power to go back and fix things we messed up on, the ability to go back and say the right thing when you actually said the wrong, remember the time you did absolutely the wrong thing and wished you had went with your gut feeling rather than following the crowd, how about if all of a sudden you could go back and follow your gut.

We all have situations we would like to have gone another direction, but if we changed the course of our actions then, where would the life lessons that we learned the hard way be today?

And if we never learned those life lessons, what type of person would we be today?

Time Travel, my buddy Ron over at Vent brought up this subject and really got me to thinking, what would I do if I could go back in time?

The do over scenario popped into my mind first, and Lord knows I would like to change a lot of things, but at the same time would it really be worth it.

Rather than list them all, I will only say that in my mind I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I went back and made everything perfect in my life, the power to go back and fix all of my mess ups would have only left me more messed up than the mistakes I made in the first place.

We are who we are because of our mess ups and mistakes, this is how we learn and how we become who we are, like it or not the Good Lord throws you a curve ball once in a while not only to get your attention but to teach you a lesson, it has taken me many years to understand some of those lessons.

Some of those curve balls really shook my life to the core, but would I want to go back and get a different pitch?

Let’s say I had the opportunity to go back in time, what would I choose?

Rather than fix my life, I think I would pick a time lets say about 150 years ago, not to fix anything but to go back and observe how my ancestors actually lived, observing something like this I think would give us an appreciation for what we have today, and get our minds off of fixing things that actually went according to plan, like it or not.


  1. God can work all things for good. Even the very hard times. HE is a Good God...and has the best in mind for us!...We just have to remember to be thankful for all he brings our he is working to form us into HIS image.

  2. I've thought about this quite often and wondered how changing things would have effected the outcome. Since changing one thing, would, in turn, change something else, I don't know that I would dare tempt the fates. I sure wouldn't want to change the good stuff, like my husband, kids and grandkids!

    1. That too would be my fear Ms. A, if one thing is changed it would alter everything else.

  3. I'd be too scared to travel to another time in case I lost what I have now.

    1. Never thought of it that way, I would hate to lose what I have now, but if it were possible to step right back into place it would be a thrill to look in on my Great Grandparents.

  4. "We are who we are because of our mess ups and mistakes, this is how we learn and how we become who we are, like it or not the Good Lord throws you a curve ball once in a while not only to get your attention but to teach you a lesson..."

    Amen! As you already know, I feel the same as you do when it comes to this, Jimmy.

    For me, it's not about going back and fixing the past, it's about seeing what I learned. I can't change the choices I made in the past, I can only grow from them. And as long as I learned something, I believe there is no such thing as mistakes.

    "Some of those curve balls really shook my life to the core, but would I want to go back and get a different pitch?"

    Same here. In fact those 'curves balls' are the things that taught me the most, so in my mind, they occured exactly as planned.

    Awesome post, buddy! Really enjoyed it!

    1. Thank You Ron, Learning from our past lessons and mistakes is the key thing, so many dwell on what happened and fret about why it happened rather than taking the lesson and growing from it, kind of like not doing anything because you are scared something will go wrong then wondering why life has passed you by.

  5. I'm always going back in time to my 20's, then I decide to go back to my teens, then I realize that no matter what I changed, there would be something new to bite me in the butt. I can only give thanks that all the tragedies led me to Joe, then wish I had as many years with him as I had prior to him.

    As for 150 years ago, I've always wanted to go back farther, with the ability to instantly return if I find myself landing in a firepit or a battlefield. My luck isn't all that good.

  6. Lord yes an instant return button would be a necessity if we were going to take a trip back, my luck would put me in a place where I'd need it also.

    I have thought about going back to my twenties before but no thank you I'm happy where I am now myself.

    Heres to a lotta years with you and Joe.

  7. You are totally right Jimmy! There are many things I've done in my life that I really do regret, but you hit it right on the head when you say that it all rolls up into what we are today.

    1. Hey Pat, sometimes it takes a hard knock to get our attention, I suppose bad times are just part of growing and learning, life is what we make it. What we are today comes from all of that, I myself wouldn't change it.

  8. I would love to go back and re-do jr high, high school and college, armed with what I know now!

    1. I too have thought that Bijoux, but most likely I would do it all the same :^0


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