Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Approve This Message

Politics is a subject that I don’t usually like to discuss simply because there usually is never a consensus on any discussion that comes when politics are discussed. With the mid term elections coming up in America aren’t you already sick of the mudslinging going on already.

There are so many candidates for so many positions and rather than discuss their platforms their agendas include digging up dirt and running negative campaign ads against their opponents.

We hear things like "I’m Candidate So and So and I can do so much for your state, I can create more jobs than you have applicants for and cure all the sick people with my new healthcare plan by taking the homeless off the streets and putting them to work in medical facilities, How can I do all of this you ask? Well my answer is that my opponent has always lied and robbed from the poor to give to the rich, his wasteful spending and time on the golf course had driven this state into the ground, if you elect me I will fix the state all in the first day and give up golf while at the same time getting our heads back above water, above ground, above water—which ever sounds better is what I will do."

OK maybe they do talk about their platforms but how legitimate do some of their claims come across? Here in California we have six, count them six candidates running for Governor, how many do you see campaigning? Two, just the two major party candidates are who you see slinging mud at each other, the ones with the most money seem to be the ones taking up all the air time, the ones being backed by all the folks who are against the other is using the vast amounts of money donated for their fair share of air time, and the rest of the candidates are unheard. This takes us back to voting for the lesser of two evils simply because if one of the other four, the Independent/ Libertarian/ Green Party Candidate or whatever label they have is the best, then they do not have a snowballs chance in Hell of being elected simply because most people are going to vote for one or the other of the major party candidates who is being shoved into our faces on a daily basis.

As Americans we teach our kids that they can overcome anything to make themselves a success, we teach that you have to stand for what you believe in no matter what everyone else thinks, and that we always have to do the right thing even if all of your friends are doing the wrong thing. But when it comes to election day we go to the polls and we supposedly pick the candidate we believe in, but how many times has that candidate outside of the two major parties been the one you believed in more than any other, but rather than vote for this one you voted for the one you thought would probably get elected anyway because of what the exit polls have shown, and how many times have you actually looked at one of the other candidates to see if they just may have some good ideas?

It’s time that America started voting with their hearts and for what they actually believe in rather than voting the lesser of two evils, that third party candidate who has some good ideas but will not win so I can’t vote for him is the wrong attitude, if more folks started voting for what they believe in then that old two party system just may get a shock when some of the politicians begin to lose their jobs and real Americans get a chance to decide what is going on with our country.

“My name is Jimmy and I approve this message”


  1. I was just talking this same subject with my brother. I told him if I ever see him behave like all the other mudslingers, then I wont vote for him. I think it is childish, mean and ugly to talk trash about another person and definately dont want someone like that taking care of me, the state or whatever position they might be trying for. This mudslinging behavior has forced me to take a hard look at all the canadites no matter what party they are associated with. Picking a person just because of their party is irresponable, cause those final two are based on who has the most money.

    The money issue is grossly unfair and I personally feel hinders folks in making wise decisions. I'll shut up now!

  2. "This mudslinging behavior has forced me to take a hard look at all the canadites no matter what party they are associated with."

    This is what I wish more folks would do Heather, we have to take a good look at who we are voting for rather than just vote the party.

    "The money issue is grossly unfair and I personally feel hinders folks in making wise decisions." Amen my Friend but we have gotten ourselves to this point.

    Glad to hear your opinion and please never shut up :)

  3. I hate the mudslinging. Instead of telling me what your opponent has or hasn't done, how about telling me what you have done in the past, what you plan to do, how you plan on doing it, and how you're going to fund it.

    As for voting, I vote for who I think is the best candidate regardless of their chances of winning.

  4. Amen, Jimmy!

    I truly believe that a good candidate doesn't need to stoop to mudslinging in order to get votes. Anyone who has to dig up dirt and run negative campaign ads against their opponents is only showing their weakness.

    Your last paragraph summed it up flawlessly.

    "It’s time that America started voting with their hearts and for what they actually believe in rather than voting the lesser of two evils..."

    Hey, I have an idea...I think YOU should run and I'll be your campaign manager. I bet you'd win!

    "Vote for Jimmy, he's the best. Don't bother voting for all the rest!"


    Great post, buddy!

    P.S. Did you change you header? I like it!

  5. What is sad is that the minute I hear a political ad, I suspect that whatever it is saying is contorted and just plain wrong! They have usually taken one sound bite or one obscure fact out of context and blown it up. I don't trust ANY of the ads,

  6. Politically I am somewhere in the middle as I believe most Americans are these days. However, I have to admit to an addition to the Jon Stewart daily show. Though he is somewhat left he is really I believe in the middle like me. No one is safe from his attacks. He is having a rally to restore sanity in Washington on October 30 and tim and I jokingly toy with going. I do believe this country has in some way lost its sanity and it is going to be very difficult to find it again. That said...America is the greatest country in the world and I feel so honored to live here...bozo politicians or not!

  7. Matty, I agree with yo0u 100% my friend, I too hate hearing what the other guy hasn’t done and at the same time telling me nothing about your plans, this is not the type person I can trust.

    I too will vote for who I believe in and hope enough others do the same, a lot have been elected to office without my vote.

  8. Hey Ron, You are so right my friend:
    “Anyone who has to dig up dirt and run negative campaign ads against their opponents is only showing their weakness.”

    You think we could pull it off? Now we just have to figure which office to run for :^)
    "Vote for Jimmy, he's the best. Don't bother voting for all the rest!"

    Yes Sir I removed my background image and changed up the header image, thought I’d give this look a try, I think the page reads easier now.

    I appreciate you Buddy

  9. Good Morning Betty, This really bothers me also, the sound bites they piece together to make an opponent appear to be saying just the opposite of what was actually said makes me want to scream, just another form of hitting below the belt so to say. The more I hear the less I believe any of them.

  10. Hey Susie, Yes it does appear we have lost our sanity and we have a long way to go in an attempt to regain it, everyone talks about the Constitution but we are getting so far away from it that it really scares me, why can’t we go back to the morals that this country was founded on without fear of offending others, we are so scared of offending anyone now that we are cutting our own throats so to say, Bozo Politicians are leading us down the wrong road and keeping this country great will take us voting them out of office.

    Far left or right is wrong in my opinion, I’ll stay right here in the middle with you :^)

  11. So tired of politics and where we are currently...can we write you in on the ballot?!

  12. I'd give it a try Suzi, just afraid I'd have too much common sense for the politicians to understand me though :)


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